Halloween Dance Party
This is what $400 dollars worth of pizza looks like from Costco.
BJ, Jenn, Jack, and Benjamin
This is what $400 dollars worth of pizza looks like from Costco.
Apparently we ate at Shana Thai last year on the Friday before Halloween.
Welcome to Intel!
Has anyone noticed Halloween is becoming a bigger holiday?
My Parents enjoy eating at restaurants at which they have eaten before. Although we did have them try our favorite Mediterranean place.
Jen sent Jenn a very thoughtful birthday present. Jennifer noticed that Jennifer had been collecting children’s books so she sent some of her favorite ones along–Jennifer’s that is.
My parents came to town for the weekend. My dad had a conference to attend and it just so happened to be homecoming weekend. We hit all the usual places including Stanford Mall, Cheesecake Factory, and every Stanford paraphernalia-carrying store in a 20 block radius.
Jenn’s new favorite book source is a place called Book Buyers on Castro street in Mountain View. We picked up a few children’s books here in exchange for some books we originally got from their store.