After runnng Windows 7 all week on a different hard drive, I went back to the original osx install. The laptop blue-screened and eternally went into kernel panic. It wouldn’t even boot the snow leopard DVD. I put the machine into Firewire target mode and spent half my Saturday saving files off of the drive, running hardware diagnostics, and reinstalling osx. The machine kept kernel panicing no matter what I did and no diagnostic tool recovered or revealed the root cause. I learned every special osx startup command to gather more information. I ended up booting the drive from another computer–and updating as well as resetting the ram. Luckily, it finally came to–and now I have a fresh install to reconfigure.

Shelley Beatty
Sorry about the computer meltdown…..I hate it when that happens. Except unlike you, I don’t know what to do except call you!!
Love you!