


Filoli is a garden and house of a turn-of-the-century shipping magnate. Now it’s a public garden with a small army of volunteer caretakers. The grounds are adorned with many types of resplendant flowers. It was a beautiful sunny day and Jenn got to use her new folding sun hat her friend Panya gave her.



I’m always finding something new at Wholefoods. Today among the almond butter and cashew spreads was this peanut butter. I would have to be nutzo to pay $17 for a jar of peanut butter.

Token Letter

Token Letter

Walking through the cubicle hallways at work, I came across a note my mother sent to my work. I had heard that she had sent a letter back and here it was. I don’t care to reflect on that time and any token memory, albeit cheerful, is an unwelcome reminder.