Spicy Shrimp Inari
Jenn had a craving for spicy shrimp roles. Luckily we have a Nigiri Japanese Market less than a block away. Delicious!
BJ, Jenn, Jack, and Benjamin
Jenn had a craving for spicy shrimp roles. Luckily we have a Nigiri Japanese Market less than a block away. Delicious!
I’ve seen these boxes around but never opened one until today. They actually have some pretty good snacks in them: trail mix, fruit snacks, and granola.
Maker Faire has to be my favorite annual event in the Bay Area. It’s a combination of technology, crafts, and art. Each year the event gets more professional, but still has the same flair of backyard tinkering. There are three types of people that make it to an event like this: nerds, kids, and alternative … Continue reading Maker Faire 2011
Chelokababi is a Persian restaurant on El Camino. We had first gone here on a date when Jenn was a sophomore. It was the first time I had kubideh.
We went a little berry happy the first year of pick your berries at Gizdich Ranch. This time around we stuck with just strawberries, seven pounds worth, and then immediately hit their pie shop.
Carol Dweck came to speak at Stanford. The crux of her research was to encourage and praise effort not intelligence. The growth mindset propells one further in life and should be encouraged.
The Shell station across the way has annoying terminals that blast commercials while you pump gas. Apparently they run Windows. The fact that the same terminal that houses the unit with power to charge my credit or debit card was malfunctioning was enough to have me find anoter pump. I mean they probably have the … Continue reading Shell Station
Hot Pot has to be the easiest dinner. 1) Boil water 2) Throw in food We learned how how to make this meal from a friend in college. There are two special sauces, Goma and Shabu, which make the meal.
No, thank you, Ranch 99, for identifying exactly what part of the animal you are selling.