Jack the Builder
Title: Lego Ship Medium: Lego Title: Castle Medium: Cardboard blocks and Jenga Bricks
BJ, Jenn, Jack, and Benjamin
Title: Lego Ship Medium: Lego Title: Castle Medium: Cardboard blocks and Jenga Bricks
at Costco–and yes, those are Spider-Man pajama pants.
Jack says he made a whirlpool. I think I have to agree with him… Yikes.
and surprisingly has a good time.
Jack made this which he described as a ‘spit flower that grows bigger from the seed and it has a whirlpool’. Whirlpool is how I explained to him what a black hole was when we watched an astronomy show together. So to translate, this is a seed that needs water to grow that is … Continue reading Budding Artist
Jack is getting more deliberate with his illustrations. They have been practicing circles at school. This is a ‘Monster Face’.
We finally found a fairly decent Vietnamese sandwich shop. Jack is sampling taro boba and their fresh-made croissants.
Personal entertainment chamber.